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Digital Tools to Grow Your Financial Advice Business Part 3: Company Culture

Company culture is just as important as other aspects of your business, and these digital tools can add considerable value to the way you and your employees work together.

2 min read

At some point in time, any business owner is going to have to look at how business is conducted, the way decisions are made and how employees treat one another.

The adoption of digital tools in any business can take the way you work to another level – something you might have realised after trying out a few of our suggestions from our previous two posts in our Digital Tools series.

The first part of this series offered insight into a range of tools that can assist in streamlining your business’s communication. In part two, we looked at how another set of tools can help expand and improve your business’s operations.

In part three, we look at company culture.

Company culture is, in essence, the personality of your company. It defines the environment in which employees work and includes a variety of elements, including work environment, company mission, values, ethics, expectations, and goals.

Although company culture isn’t a new phenomenon, awareness of it and how it affects businesses is. Below you can find a few tools that will add considerable value to your business and help you continue with your personal digital (r)evolution.

Please note: Not all are free, and most you will need to upgrade pricing plans for added benefits.


TINYpulse is an effective, quick-just-one-question survey that you can send out to your team either daily, weekly or monthly. While all feedback is anonymous, employees have the option to send suggestions that can be discussed on the platform. You can even send co-workers a “Cheers” for a job well done.

Kolbe Index 

Much like the sorting hat in Harry Potter, Kolbe Index provides you with a better understanding of each of your employees and helps you recognise who fits into your team and why. Employees’ instincts and natural strengths are indexed so you have a better understanding of what drives them. For example, a “Fact Finder” needs adequate information ahead of time, while a “Quickstarter” jumps straight into things.

Strengths Finder 

Tap into your employees’ strengths with Strengths Finder. Strengths Finder looks at what your employees are good at: technical roles tend to be filled with people who are ranked high in Strategic and Analytical, and the more social or client facing roles tend to be ranked higher in Harmony and Relator.

This article is a part of a series in which we aim to inspire you to leverage technology to change the way you do business. To find out about more digital tools, click here.