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Balancing Automation with Personalisation

How do you, as a wealth manager, integrate AI into your practice while maintaining a personalised approach?

Host Michael Summerton was joined by AI expert, Professor Johan Steyn, to explore how you can leverage the latest trends and developments in AI to provide better service to your clients.

About the webinar

Artificial intelligence (AI) became an integral part of the financial advice industry, automating various aspects of the investment process and providing investors with a more streamlined and efficient experience. However, with the increasing reliance on AI, there was a growing concern that the personalized touch of traditional financial advice might be lost.

The webinar explored the role of AI in financial advice and how to strike a balance between automation and personalization. The webinar delved into the benefits and limitations of AI and highlighted the importance of human expertise and guidance.

The webinar emphasised the need for financial advisers to develop a deep understanding of their clients’ needs and preferences in order to provide tailored advice and investment strategies that aligned with their goals. The webinar also discussed how AI could be used to enhance the advisory process by providing real-time data and analysis that could inform investment decisions.

Participants gained a better understanding of how to integrate AI into their practice while maintaining a personalised approach. They also learned about the latest trends and developments in AI technology and how to leverage them to provide better investment outcomes for their clients. Ultimately, the webinar helped financial advisers strike a balance between automation and personalisation, providing clients with the best of both worlds.

Learning outcomes:

  • Understand the benefits and limitations of AI in financial advice
  • Explore how AI can enhance the advisory process by providing real-time data and analysis that can inform investment decisions
  • Learn how to integrate AI into your practice while maintaining a personalised approach
  • Understand the importance of human expertise and guidance in advice
  • Explore the latest trends and developments in AI technology and how to leverage them to provide better investment outcomes for your clients

The speakers


Michael Summerton

Head of Proposition

Michael started his career as an Audit Senior Manager at Ernst & Young, before joining Allan Gray in various retail EXCO roles, including Head of Retail Finance, Head of Client Experience and Product Development Senior Manager. 

In 2017, Michael moved to Liberty to head up Proposition for the Group Investment Platform & Marketing of INN8, the independent investment platform brand of the group and was core to the team that launched the platform. Choosing a life in financial services over one in auditing, he feels most rewarded when connecting grannies with solutions that make their hard-earned retirement a little more dignified.

Johan Steyn

Professor Johan Steyn

AI for Busines

Johan Steyn is a Human-Centered Artificial Intelligence advocate and thought leader. He was recognised by Swiss Cognitive as one of the top 50 global voices on AI. He is a Research Fellow at the School of Data Science and Computational Thinking at Stellenbosch University and an Adjunct Professor at the School of Business at Woxsen University. He was a finalist for the 2022 IT Personality of the Year Award. Find him on